I drive down this lane to come home and it is not really getting any easier knowing that I am coming home to an empty house. I am not afraid to stay alone; it is just that no one is there to talk to about my day. I park the car in the garage that wasn't there last year at this time. I open the door and drop my stuff on the kitchen table. Another night alone.
Today, Will, Cody, Amanda, her sister and mother and myself ate at the Olive Garden in Cranberry Twp for August birthday celebrations. We went about 3:30 before the dinner time crowd and had great service from our waiter, Steven. It was a nice time and a nice day. The boys and I attended church as well this morning - what a beautiful day we have had.
Last year at this time, Todd and I were talking about a dream he had, prayers for healing and strength were being said and we had no idea that he would not have another August. I sure do miss him. I think I miss him most at night. During the day when I am working, I can keep my mind occupied but come night time - my thoughts turn to him. Please keep me in your prayers as this next weekend it will be three months. I have been reading about grief and the first milestone is the three month mark. I made it through our anniversary date and next will be our First Date anniversary - Halloween.
Soon September will be here, why do the years go faster and faster as we get older?
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