Whether Todd was joking or serious - I loved that man!! He could do almost anything and if he did not know, he would read up on it or call someone and ASK. My Todd was not afraid to ask and learn new things. I must take lessons from my jokester of a husband. I still think in my mind, what would Todd do in this situation?
I am learning to do things on my own; feels very different to me. Todd taught me many things about living and loving. Toward the end of his life he always would ask, "Do you mind if I don't go along?" He was always courteous. I could talk to him about most everything. That is what I miss. Someone to talk to and go places with.
I ventured out in the rain/thunderstorm yesterday afternoon to listen to a One in Spirit concert at Wolf Creek Church near Slippery Rock. I got there too late, they were already done but I visited with the McCommons' for a bit under the big tents.
I wanted to stop at True Value in Slippery Rock but they were already closed. A mouse chewed a hole in my ice-maker water line and I need to get a new one. I stopped at Trader Horn and got some other fix-it stuff for the house. There is always something to do to keep the place in order. This all was Todd's job and I must learn how to do it myself. I wish I had paid more attention to the "how-to's" in the last few years!!
Friday was Will's 26th birthday and he celebrated with a small party at our cabin on the 58 acres. Just a few friends and MOM. It is not every mother who will 'party' with their kids, but I do. I drank a few wine coolers as we sat around the fire Friday evening. It was a nice evening, no rain and no bears!!
Yesterday I kept busy all day; helped while Cody cut up a fallen tree in the backyard - I carried the 'brush' and his friend Ryan helped, too. Then they built me a set of corn hole bean bag toss games. Now I must paint them and buy the bags. Sounds like a great project, I can't wait. Took the kids to King's for lunch and then home again for another project. I cleaned the oven!! What a hard job - because I have put it off for so long. This morning will be church. Tomorrow night is Zumba at our church at 6 p.m. One of our Zumba teachers went to Haiti on a mission project. Good luck to her!!
I also need to waterproof the picnic table and perhaps the front porch. Cody needs to waterproof his new porch floor - I believe we have plenty left in the five gallon bucket I bought!! Okay - enough talk about work for now. I must get ready for church.
Life keeps moving and so must I. Wish you could help me, Todd!! Miss you bunches. Love you my forever friend!!
My, he looks like Popeye the Sailor Man...