I am learning that comfort is NOT the removal of pain, but it is knowing that everything is going to be all right.
I was lucky enough to spend the days with friends and family over the holiday weekend. Saturday I was at friends for a cookout, Saturday night I was at our 'grade/middle school' class reunion, Sunday I went boating with friends and then another cookout with my son Cody and his friends. I topped Sunday off with fireworks with Tom and Etta in Grove City. It was a busy weekend. Today I am sitting in my a/c wishing this dream about Todd being gone was just that, a dream. I have good days and bad days.....up days and down days.....my close friends and family try to keep me 'grounded'. The comfort is all welcome - I know it will all be all right. My heart is still broken and hurting, the pain is real and I know the future will come...but for now the saying good-bye to Todd was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. This separation is not permanent....death is NOT the end. I eagerly anticipate the next family reunion of all time in HEAVEN. But I am not going yet, I have living to do and I will get to that soon, please give me time to get used to this new me. One step at a time is all anyone can do and that is my life for now. Love to all of you.
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