I was dreading this day since you passed away. Monday July 26th would have marked 14 years of marriage for us. The ups and downs, highs and lows, rainy or sunny days were lived each with you by my side. So many times now I wish I could tell you something but you are not there. I want to ask you a question and you are not there. I need your advice on something and you are not there. I think about you every day, every hour and did not realize how much I loved you until your were not part of my life anymore. Sure, we always told each other of our love, you mostly with your "Did I tell you yet today how much I love you?". I will never forget our special bond with that saying. You are in my heart and will always be part of my soul. I will always remember you as a happy man. Yes, I know you liked to argue about politics and religion and discipline and road rage.....but you could really debate like the best of the best! You taught me so many things about life. How to drive and not make the truckers mad, how to use tough love when the kids were younger, how to change the filter under the sink, how to use your tools like drills, circular saws and jigsaw... and how to be a good Christian. The list goes on and on and for that I am so thankful.
We spent only 21 months dating before we ‘tied the knot'. I remember you first told me you loved me after only about 3 weeks and you scared me. I was not ready to hear that from anyone. You convinced me you were a good man, a good friend and would make a good husband. You did not disappoint me! As we grow older, we mature and change and what you or I were like before did not matter - it only mattered that we got along, loved each other and were very compatible. We fit like a hand in a glove; where I was weak your were strong and vise versa. We made a good team. What I will miss the most is your humor - you could always make everyone laugh and enjoy life, you were so special in that way. I will miss you singing to me along with the radio in the car or making up songs to make fun of something - you were one of a kind, my sweet, sweet man!
So with each new day, I take one small step into a new world; a world without you. I will always remember your sweet, sweet smile and that special wink of yours that meant I love you. This new life will get better, with baby steps that I will take just one step at a time. I love you honey and miss you so!! You will live in my heart forever.
Your loving wife,
I have been slowly reading some of your blog and this post (along with a few others) touched me so deeply. I am crying as I sit here as I feel your loss so completely. I am so very sorry that your husband was taken from you so early and I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts.