Soon the summer will be half over...where oh where do the days go? This week started off with a BANG! I had company all day long! Two of Todd's hospice nurse's were here for a leftover lunch and for dessert we 'played' with my pistol, shooting at targets off of the back deck. James and Stacy had so much fun...they both live in towns where the shooting they hear are from drive by shootings so this was something different for them. Actually, we all had fun!

Another friend, Stephen, came for the afternoon to visit and catch up...we were hired together 9 1/2 years ago, trained together and have been friends ever since. I had so much fun with my training class from USIS - it was a good day. He bought us dinner to go from the Tradition. Let's not make it so long between visits!!
Cody stopped in after work - it was a very busy day of company for a Monday. Now I must work.
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