You have the qualities that I like in a man [or a woman]… you are Kind, Caring, Compassionate, Sympathetic, Spiritual, Friendly, Engaging, Quick, a Good Listener, a Critical Thinker, have a Positive Personality, Sweet, Thorough, Understanding, Patient, Loving, Honest, Trustworthy, have a Sense of Humor and so many more.
Evidence was abundant with all of these qualities when you were caring for Todd – it was such a relief to let someone as skilled as you - be by my side - caring for the love of my life. I will never forget how you demonstrated all of your skills with someone you knew would leave this world soon – you gracefully let him die with dignity. I was so glad you were here that fateful day; you made his passing so calming for me. Remembering the moment of death; the look on your face of concern and sadness, my feelings and tears -- are all wrapped up into a bubble that will never leave my mind. As I stroked Todd’s head, arms and chest and then whispered in his ear, ‘I will always love you honey, until we meet again’ …you patiently and lovingly waited for me to say my last goodbyes to my soul mate, my lover, my life. I will never forget helping you with Todd’s Earth body, readying him one last time for a trip into town. I will single you out and describe you to be one of the best nurses I have met. You are the epitome [a highly representative example of a type, class, or characteristic] of nursing.
You put up with my nervous jokes, innuendos and constant babbling. You are a person who genuinely loves your work and you do your work with such graceful aplomb.
Aplomb - confident poise: confidence, skill, and poise, especially in difficult or challenging circumstances
Keep up the good work, my friend.
Mail it to James, just the way it is. Heartfelt & true. You'll bless James more than you'll know.
ReplyDeleteLaura & Jim
I agree Julie. I was priveleged enough to hear and see the last two days the care he gave to Todd . And always answered all of our questions . Great Nurse and a nice man. (It was good seeing you today looking so Good .) OXO
ReplyDeleteLove, Michele & Dave (Our door is always open.)
Stop in anytime.
I hand delivered the Letter to James at dinner tonight [he and his sister met me in North Hills].....he was deeply moved. Enough said.
ReplyDeleteWe love you James!!
You are one of the most thoughtful people I know. I'm a much better person when you are around. I think God sent you to us to make us a better circle of family. Love you!