Some weeks just seem to never end...but I am glad this one is ending. We have had many changes at work this week which makes for some people's nerves to fray a little more. I try to go with the flow, maybe it is my Paxil helping me cope? Regardless, some things you cannot do a thing about so put your life in perspective like I do; I follow the lesson of the five balls - work is a rubber ball. The rest are made of glass...
Will and Cody stopped last night to pick up some homemade beef vegetable soup for their supper. Will couldn't wait so he made himself two tuna sandwiches to tide him over until they got home. Amanda is feeling under the weather with a cold, so she was home resting.
I can't wait for the time change this weekend - it stays so dark in the morning - but then it will be dark early in the evenings....the same thing happens every year, have you noticed?
Today marks FIVE months - Todd has been gone. Some days it feels like just yesterday and I still wish I could tell him things, I miss talking to him and sharing life with him. I think the hurdle coming up will be hard, Thanksgiving. Cody and Amanda are hosting again - just like last year.
This time last year, Todd was spending a few days in the hospital in Butler with a fever and weakness. It was his first scare with uncontrolled coughing, a high fever and being away from me, he did not want to ever go back to the hospital - he chose to die at home when the time came, I am so glad it happened that way!
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