This is one title of Todd's tapes of snippets of songs he used to record when he was driving truck. Most are about lost love and memories and dreaming about changes. It is something I like to listen to now and then. Too much listening and I get depressed. I love listening to his voice, it is almost like he is singing to me again. He had such a nice voice but was afraid to sing in front of a group. He would always sing and make up songs when we did road trips or just to Grove City. He was my one of a kind Todd!!
He recorded bits and pieces of thoughts and reflections of his feelings, long ago in the 80's and early 90's. He did not sing any more lonely songs after we started dating, I guess he wasn't looking for lost love anymore. I was good for him!! I can hear the truck noises in the background of the tapes, it makes it so real. I am glad I have his voice to keep me company on lonely nights. It makes me want to hug him and tell him it will all be okay, I wish he could do that to me. Okay, I made myself cry. Heartache abounds tonight as the tears fall off my cheeks.
Baby say you love me ... You want me to be your man
Hey baby, my heart ... it will understand
Baby say you love me ... Say you always will
You'll love me forever...baby, until time stands still
As you know Jules, I too have been down the widowhood road....I vividly remember the almost unbearable loneliness that came to me each evening at 7:00pm...the time when Bill would try to come home for dinner, if he was in the area. I can assuredly tell you that the Lord has a specific plan for your life..and I can also tell you that His grace will sustain you...trust and lean on Him, my friend.